
Sorry for the absence of blogging...

But I had a wedding to go to (which was beautiful), then Thanksgiving, and in-between then I was trying to restore some sort of order to my home which I have not made a priority in about 2 years. What has happened in those 2 years you may ask:

Started adoption paperwork for Ethiopia
My babies were only 1 years old
Traveled to Ethiopia
My family went from 6 to 9
Came back sick for at least a month
Had surgery that went wrong
Bought a flip house
Put a ton of work into flip house
Dad diagnosed with cancer
Thought I sold the flip house
Levi resigned and we decided to start a business
Did all the paperwork necessary to open business
Flip house fell through
Got a new contract on flip house
Started "upfitting" my leased space for the business
Needed to replace roof on flip house
Fought with county over stupid permit issues
Opened business
Started doing events
Started homeschooling 2 of the kids

And during this time things were shoved into closets, couches were not swept behind, random papers piled up on my dresser. Basically, I would clean the house, but I would not clean-OUT the house. So I had been working on trying to clean-out but never had much time. This last week, Levi worked every day but one and I cleaned OUT! So far I have gotten rid of 6 FULL trash bags of stuff, 8 trash bags donated, and I have still not done the boys room, babies room, a few storage areas in my room, the garage, and kitchen. But things look SO much cleaner and I am finding joy in my home again! Once I clean out, it will be time to dedicate some time to the house I live in and not the house I am fixing up to sell. So, walls will be painted, laminate floor will be put down, and slowly I will have a home I do not cringe at when I think of company coming and seeing my colored on walls, my overly-stained carpet, and my dingy baseboards. My flip house looked SO GOOD when I was done. The colors were beautiful and it was clean and fresh. My home needs that now too!

So, that is why I have been behind on my blogging. I blog more at work and I have not been at work.

But now I can go on vacation knowing my house is well on it's way to being a de-cluttered peaceful place and it is no longer overwhelming to think about! Hooray!

Am I the only one, or do you like going on vacation with a clean house?

I know I do, but seriously, for like 3 years I have been unable to pull it off because of babies and adoptions, and life craziness! And I need a break! And luckily my 10 year anniversary gave me and Levi the perfect opportunity to take a break!

So, off I go to be kissed by a Walrus, ride some roller coasters, watch some movies, go to the temple, dine-out (not eat-out, but dine-out), enjoy 80 degree weather in December, and walk into an establishment without having to unbuckle someone, carry someone, yell "look both ways", say "wait your turn", take potty breaks, and manage multiple human beings all going in different directions. And most importantly, I can hold hands with the man I have been married to for 10 years and make him open the door for me again!!!

Ok, I am just babbling. Time to clean up shop! I close in a half hour, I clean out my ice cream machine, and we leave tomorrow!


mom and grandma of BOLTON BUNCH said...

It does sound like a very well-desrved break and I know you will enjoy it. As for the house, I know how great it feels to get through the clutter and begin the real cleaning and fixing up, good luck with that too. Ten years already? WOW! Have fun!

C. Leah said...

WOW Audra...not like you haven't had anything going on in your life? ;)
I am happy for you and Levi that you guys will get a much deserved break. (Where are you going anyway?) And Happy -early- birthday to you!!

The Fuhrmann's said...

Have a great time and try not to think of the little ones. You and Levi totally deserve this, busy lady.

Jamie said...

Man, you sound busy! You enjoy that vacation!

Lyric said...

I bet your vacation has been lovely either way, but I just noticed that you were down here this past weekend...hopefully you guys missed out on all the cold and rain we got in east orlando! it was so out of the blue.

Sarie said...

Audra, it was so nice to meet you and your husband at the temple! Loved reading and seeing photos.

Lots of love!
