Because they might do this:And that requires supervision because that can be turned into a face full of water in no time!
This has become Callie's new "thing"! When she takes a bath she will completely lower herself onto her back and bask in the water. The problem is, if I make the bath a little too deep (it does not take much), she will still try to do it! She lays back and when she tried to get back up she will flip to her side to push herself up and get a face full of water. And then when that happens and she realizes it is too deep, does that stop her... nope! She will keep trying to do it and end up with a face full of water every time. But she still pops up smiling!
They do not like to take a bath in very little water, so there is a fine line between just the right amount and too little. Last night I think I achieved the "just the right amount" of water and boy was Callie happy. She spent most the bath laying down on her back and sitting up... so of course I had to grab the camera and capture the cuteness!
I love how Callie can not resist singing Happy Birthday to You! It is her favorite song. Yesterday she and Jovie were putting money in the piggy bank (if you take the plug out the money falls through and they just think they have a never-ending pile of money, they love it... keeps 'em busy for awhile... try it sometime... but again... small money... needs supervision) and Callie starts singing Happy Birthday and then would stop at random times and Jovie would finish it until they were both singing together and it was so cute!
And just because she asked so nicely, here are some pictures from the bath at Jovie's request, (you can see her asking for me to take an actual picture in the video)!