
2008 Christmas Memories!

I am finally getting around to posting Christmas pictures! I just had so many! I love my new camera a little too much! So I take way too many pictures! But then I end up forgetting it during the Annual Charlotte Jeppsons Nativity! Of all times to forget it! But Katie got those pictures and did a great job taking them and making it into an awesome and sweet video, so you can check that out here!

So here we go!

First off... here is my little Princess Teenie all dressed up for her Christmas program! She loves to strike a pose!
She had some holly in her hair and Santa tights on! She was ready to go!

Can you find Lettie? She is the one hiding behind the star!
I love her HUGE cheeky grin! Her eyes practically disappear and she is all cheeks! It is a Lettie signature look!
We went to see the singing bears as Founders Hall! Here is Nolan and Ruby! If you enlarge the picture by clicking on it, Nolan's eyes are very pretty in this picture! He and Ruby are very close! I was talking to Yonas about how Jovie is his buddy and I asked "So who is Ruby's buddy?" thinking he would say Callie and he said "Nolan!" It is true, they are 2 peas in a pod in a lot of ways and they get along very well! They are both goofy, creative, and full of energy!
Pretty Callie... who by the way is asleep on my shoulder right now as I type this! She woke up and needed a cuddle! Now she is snoring!
Levi after he fed the meter! Just including this picture because it is rare for us to ever be in pictures!
Princess Teenie!
Looking whimsical!
Nolan and Silas are good buddies too! They have the same goofy sense of humor!
Waiting for the bears to start singing! We all do not fit on one bench!
Callie venturing over to the stairs to get a closer look at the bears!
The kids went to the top of the stairs to get a better view!
Jovie! Always the lone adventurer!
Checking out the program! We got a lot of "Are all these kids yours?" that day! We look overwhelming when we are all in one big group!
See... these are the bears! And in the middle of the kids is Nolan!
I took some close-ups! Jovie looking like an angel!
Ruby-doobie-doo! She has a sweet smile!
Me and Callie on the stairs so she could get a better look!
Typical Lettie! Caught in the act!
For some weird reason I like this picture of Lettie! Silas... in a thoughtful moment!
Yonas... the 8 year old who looks like a teen in pics!
Rock and Rollin' Nolan who needs a hair cut. That is his mohawk from Halloween all grown out. It is really bad!
Callie escaping down the stairs while everyone else was in the bathroom.
The night before Christmas. Santa's elves delivered the Christmas PJs to the front door step. Callie was SO excited! She got her PJs dirty the next day and cried as she was going to bed for her PJs!
We made sugar cookies for Santa. I think Jovie liked the sprinkles the best. I caught her in the act!
Callie enjoying her favorite part of the cookies... the icing! She looks guilty!
Nolan trying out his new nerf gun that Ruby picked out for him! They opened the presents from each other on Christmas Eve!
I thought the finished product turned out cute!
Jovie the cookie model! She was in a good mood and really hamming it up for the camera!
See what I mean!
Icing mouth!
I love her smile in this picture! Callie has the best smiles!
When I told Jovie she could not eat the sprinkles out of the container, she found a way around it! She dumped the sugar on the cookie....
And just licked it off and started the whole process over again!
Ruby and Lettie's presents. A lot of it is Barbie-type dolls from Black Friday and Wal-mart clearence Hanna Montana stuff. I am a sucker for clearence! The Bratz doll my aunt got Ruby... she did it's hair!
CHRISTMAS MORNING! All the kids ready to go down stairs!
I love my Christmas group picture!
Callie loving her glasses!
Jovie is too cool!
Jovie showing off her coat. She looks disgusted, but she actually really loves it!
Happy Callie with her bunny! It is really soft and she likes to sleep with it!
Jovie with her Christmas bear!
Jovie trying out her new shoes.
And of course she got some doggies!
Nolan stacked his toys into a tower! Look... it is taller than him!
Ruby in her Hannah Montana glasses!
Santa ate the cookies, drank the milk, and left a badly handwritten note!
Ruby's favorite gift ended up being her Kenya doll I bought on clearence last year (most of their toys were collected on super clearence as early as January). You can do her hair. So Ruby has really enjoyed washing and fixing it's hair.
Jovie goofing off with a Santa hat! She thinks she is so funny!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!