
Oh, Lettie!

Lettie likes to wear headbands. But she does not look in the mirror when she puts them on. There has been many a time I have the kids rounded up to go to the bus and turn around to see this...
And to add insult to injury, often the head band does not match at all!

But it is what makes her Lettie... she is an endearing, sweet, whimsical girl!

BTW: Sorry for only having Tomfooleries... we have been working on a epic rendition of a Disney song for a Ukulele contest for 2 tickets to Disney. I am going to put it together tonight and tommorrow and will post it here. We had costumes, lighting, camera angles, music, and voice over to put together. It should be EPIC!

1 comment:

Olivia Carter said...

Syd's the same way. So funny!