
Deja vu!

What is with my kids and sneaking chocolate pudding? I suppose it has to do with me not keeping a constant watch on the child with the chocolate pudding!

This is Lettie once upon a time when she was about a year old! Nolan had to have pudding to put some medicine in. I would put the medicine in a spoonful of pudding and then when he took it he could finish the rest of the pudding. He left it on the coffee table while I was doing dishes. I came into the living room and this is what I found:

Now fast forward to just a few days ago. Lettie still has trouble eating some things, so she requested chocolate pudding. She must have left it unattended on the couch she was sitting on! Sure enough, I come into the living room and this is what I find:

The good thing is she much have finished up most of the pudding and Callie was trying to get the little bit leftover. When Lettie got into the pudding it was basically a whole container EVERYWHERE! The thing I wonder is how come it always end up dripped down the middle of their forehead? How do they manage to get the pudding right between the eyes?!? It is amazing how a little container of chocolate pudding can make such a mess!

1 comment:

Christie said...

I've decided it ends up right between their eyes because they "keep their eye on the prize"
Yes, I've pondered the same question!