
I dreamed...

I was 3.5 mo pregnant and did not know it until I went to the doctor because I was not feeling well. I woke up in panic... it was true NIGHTMARE! It took me awhile to calm down, it seemed so real. I seriously think I would not have been as panicy about a dream of being chased by a man with a knife.

And no... it is not funny!
And no... I am not pregnant!
And no... it is not a sign!


Katie said...

C'mon, you gotta admit it is a little funny :o) I understand the scary part for you though...

lindsey said...

this is kinda funny..i have simular nightmares often... i don't have near the children you do but i do have a 7 mo old and i dont want another one til seth is graduated.

Christie said...

It IS funny. If I had that dream it probably wouldn't be a nightmare because I'd be so happy about not having morning sickness. But if it happened in real life it would not be a good thing right now...I'm SO loving every little sign that Amelia is starting to grow up. I need to at least get Amelia walking and Elizabeth talking before even thinking about it.

Ashley said...

I'd be delighted to be 3 1/2 months pregnant and not know it!!

Angela Draper said...

Hehe! Thanks for the smile!