
An 11pm Bath!

Levi and I were finishing up watching a movie at around 11pm when we heard what sounded like a herd of elephants upstairs. I thought it was one of the older kids stumbling around trying to find the bathroom in their half-asleep/half-awake state! Then suddenly the thumping came down the stairs and around the corner pops Callie with her curls sticking up a mile high and a big smile on her face. I wish I could have captured that moment. We were shocked to see that it was such a little girl making such a big noise. She has unusually large feet for a little one, so her steps are a lot less light than other toddlers.

Anyway, she has been really bad about not sleeping through the night and trying to get in our bed in the middle of the night. So she probably woke up, saw we were downstairs, and figured that was the next best place to be! The problem is, she had one request... a bath! And every time she would mention it, I would say "No honey, it is 11 at night" and she would cry, but then come back and request a bath again. She was so tired and out of her head, so I decided to grab the camera and get a snap shot of how sad the thought of her mom not giving her a bath at 11pm made her! That girl loves a bath, and there is nothing I like more than watching her enjoy a bath... but NOT at 11 at night!

So, here she is! My sweet little bath loving girl!

She is speaking a lot more now and Ruby was giving one of her famous English Speaking Lessons to her today! She would ask her to repeat everyones name, but they all came out sounding like "No, No" no mater what name Ruby said... but you could tell she was trying! She says fish "bish" and bath is "bap"! It is so cute I have a hard time not referring to it as a "Bap" now!


Already Looking Forward to Next Year!

So, we went to The Cheesecake Factory and ate a HUGE appetizer plate until our eyeballs just about popped! I got a Godiva Chocolate Cheesecake! I realized I forgot the tickets, but they said with my ID I could get them at the Will-call window. We get there and I realize (or think I realize) I left my ID and Credit Card in the van, so I run back and panic when I can not find them just to realize I left it all in my purse with Katie. But we find a bathroom without a line a mile long, settle into our seats, and we soak in the show! It was great! It is always great! And I hated for it to end! It could have been twice as long and I would have happily sat in my seat and watched it all! Some dances were even better live than on TV!

The only sad thing is it is going to be a whole other year until it comes around again! :::cry:::

We ran into Sabina's friend Lindsey there and her sister Ashley, so we got to get to know them while waiting for the performers to come out (we were there for over 2 hours before we met everybody)!

So, here are my pics!

The grand entrance!
Introducing the dancers!

Explaining 4-Real!
Where's Carington?
The comic relief of the night!
Bollywood! This one was awesome!
Group Mia Michaels number!
The door dance! Right before the kiss!
The door dance again! I love this shot!
Striking a final pose!
Saying Farewell!
The last number!
This is Mark. He is my favorite! And he is not Katie's favorite! He came by and after the pic I told him I could go home now because I met my favorite, but I had to now wait around for Katie's favorite. So basically, I told him he was not Katie's favorite! But come on... it was midnight, I had very little sleep the night before, and I just don't think strait under those conditions!
Chelsea T. was super sweet and we were happy to see her on the tour!
Katee & Katie!
Comfort was so nice and she had an awesome solo! She also did a number with Twitch that was awesome! She is truly an awesome hip-hop dancer!
We love Twitch! He is such a nice guy and a dynamic dancer! His solo was spectacular! I wish I could have gotten a Twitch shirt, but for $30...no way!
Thayne and Joshua signing autographs in the rain, and boy was it raining! You can see the big drops in the pic!
Courtney! She is a pretty little thing! I wish I could move like her. I tried out her "The Garden" dance move in line, but I just don't pull it off!
The resident Mormon! There is always at least one and we had to ask because with 3 people from Utah in the show, we knew one had to be Mormon! It was cute because when we asked she proudly said, "I am VERY Mormon!" Woo-hoo! Go LDS!
Thayne. He is cheesy, but nice!

Yeah Gev! Because of Gev I often catch my kids trying to do hand stands and break dancing moves behind my back!

It started to rain! It was big HUGE drops! Here is Katie and Lindsey's reaction!
OK... I was not going to kiss anyone this year! I really wasn't! But then Josh was the last person we met and I thought, "Heck! Why break tradition?" So on the spurt of the moment when the first flash went off on the camera I turned and made my move!!! His cheek was very soft... haha!
I got Mark to sign my arm! Just because! And because it makes Levi roll his eyes at me!


Have you ever heard of Phil Spektor?

He is a music producer, a songwriter, is known for being very eccentric, and is also known for bring on trial for the murder of a 40 year old nightclub hostess. While on trial, you would often see him on the news looking like this:

Like I said, he is eccentric! I tell you about this in order to show you a Phil Spektor look-alike:

Ruby decided to brush Callie's hair after her bath this morning! Brushing curly hair without product is never a good idea! So she went around the house this morning looking like a mini-Phil Spektor! So, of course I had to take a picture! I added some product, but it still did not help... good thing her hair is long enough to pull back!!!

So, do your kids resemble any celebrities?


1st Grade Poetry 101

So... Nolan has been learning about Poetry in his class. Since them he has been all about making Acrostic Poems, where you use the first letters in a word to convey an idea. Kind of like Emerald Nuts:

Those commercials always crack me up! I like that "nutty" kind of humor! Get it! Haha!

So, Nolan has been coming up with a lot of these. Here is his most recent Acrostic poem:


N- Nutty
O- Oatmeal
L- Loves
A- Active
N- Nolan

At least someone, or should I say something, likes it when Nolan is active!

And then for good measure here is an Emerald Nut commercial that has nothing to do with Acrostic Poetry just because I think this one is hilarious!

Beware of the Addicted to Love women! They are brutal!


The Political World According to Nolan...

Sometimes you vote for the wrong person because you forget the one you were told to vote for, sometimes people try to play tricks on you if you show them your vote, maybe George Washington should be on the ballot, maybe it will all turn out OK no matter who is elected, and maybe water-fountains should have candy in them (just don't tell the teachers). I don't think I am a big fan of his communal huge toilet platform though. But I am not a fan of McCain's health care plan either... so I suppose with anyone you can not win them all! If only it was as simple as a check mark and a piece of paper in a bucket!

Enjoy the Political World According to Nolan!

As I am Typing This...

Ruby is teaching Jovie English!

She is saying, "Say Grandma, Say Grandpa, Say Granny, Say Yellow, Say Dog..." And everytime Jovie says it she says "Good Job Jovie!" And Jovie is actually being a really good student!

I just think it is funny to hear Ruby teaching Jovie to speak in her thick African accent! I wonder if Jovie will learn to roll her "R"s as she grows older! She already sings "Sine Sine Sine Kubaya!"


Little Orphan Annie!

Since Callie's hair is in the perfect Annie shape right now and will never be this short again, I had to take advantage of it! I did not know how I was going to do it until I realized she had a red dress that she was almost too big for! After a little cut and sew job she turned into the perfect Annie! Everyone thought she was SO cute! And she was! She would go to the door and in her little toddler voice say "Tick or Teet!" and "Thank You!" The first house she got a small box of Mike N Ikes and spent most of the night clinging to that little box of candy like her life depended on it! She loved trick or treating and was the cutest little curly red head! Something else that was funny about her is every time she would see Jovie for the first 15 minutes after she got her make-up on, Callie would just point at her and scream!

Callie pre-hair spray! Such a cute happy girl so proud of her costume!

Oh my goodness... my hair is RED!

Posing with her Sandy!

As Jovie wouls say "Silly Callie!"

Such a ham!

She saw Silas doing the Spiderman hands, so she did the Spiderman hands too! I think she did a great job!

I was trying to get a picture of them together, but Callie kept just screaming towards Jovie! Here she is looking at Jovie and screaming!
...Still Screaming!

Sitting with our inflateable spider pointing at the inflatable cat that moves it's head back and forth! I think it spooked her a little bit and she did not want to move!

Callie with her Mike N Ikes

Happy Halloween!

Jovie the Joker!

Why so serious?

Since the lipstick incident, I said I was going to make Jovie the Joker for Halloween! And boy oh boy she was a good Joker! I loved the part on the Office this week where 3 people at work come in dressed as the Joker! I knew the Joker would be the hot costume this year, but no one expects an almost 2-year-old to be dressed as the Joker, so she got A LOT of laughs! She took trick or treating very seriously too, so she would often stand there very still holding her bag! She looked like a little doll. One person passing by our house as we were leaving thought she was a figurine until she moved. She looked more and more like the Joker as the night wore on because as the makeup smuged more and caked in some places and came off in others! It is fun when they are too young to have an opinion on their costume! You can do all sorts of fun things! Nolan was Eminem when he was 2 years old!

All night this is how the conversations with Jovie would go:

Me: Jovie, do you want to get in the wagon?
Jovie: NnnnnO!

Me: Jovie, do you want to walk?
Jovie: NnnnnO!
Me: Jovie, do you want to get more candy?
Jovie: NnnnnO!

Me: Jovie, do you want to go home?
Jovie: NnnnnO!

Me: Jovie, do you want to go to the next house?
Jovie: NnnnnO!

If you know Jovie... she rarely says "Yes"! Everything is No, and often No means Yes, you just have to interpret the tone of the No. She is just one of those kids who seems in a bad mood, even when she is not! She was LOVING Trick or Treating, but she would not let on. She would not say Trick or Treat, she would not say Thank You. She is going to be an interesting teenager.

At the end of the night she had a bath and was eating the monster cupcakes, so I decided to take the time to ask her how her day went! So, here is my little interview with her at the end of the night:

So in other words... she had a great time! (And was ready for bed!)