
In Mim on the Uke News:

Before I show you this video I guess I should let you know this little tidbit (or you will be confused):

On Ukulele Underground my screen name is Mim. Like Mad Madame Mim on the Sword in the Stone. I thought it would be fun and I created a cute little avatar of Mad Madame Mim carrying a Uke around...

That being said... I never put my name in my signature, so people just refer to me as Mim... so I just owned it and for fun that is sort of my "Uke name".

Ok... now that I have word-ily prefaced this post... they have contests on this site and when I am bored and if I have time I will enter them. This is my first one. This one I put off until the last possible hour... LITERALLY! It was called Random Places Uke'in and you were supposed to play a series of chords twice over in Random Places to Enter and submit it by midnight Valentines Day. I submitted mine 5 min shy of the deadline. Then Krabbers was going to come up with a Random way to pick the winner:

Here is his video to set up the contest (mighty cute idea if I do say so myself):

I submitted this:

He compiled everyone's submissions into this:

And here is where he chooses the winners (if you have a hard time knowing which one was me... he calls me the "running machine girl" and I am on the left bottom) I would tell you if I won or not but that would spoil the fun of cheering on my sticky note!:

I think the coolest thing is how many countries all these submissions come from! We are one international group of crazy Ukers!


Katie said...

Audra! How fun is that?! I watched all the videos with my kids and we were cheering your sticky note on! Congratulations on being a finalist. You rock!

Ashley said...

I LOVE it Audra!!