
The Mis-adventures of a Princess Teenie!

I think there is something under the bed?!
Is is a monster?!
Is it a Ghost?!
Is it the Boogyman?!
Nope... it is just a teenie-tiny Princess Teenie!

She was sent to her room by the King for doing rotten deeds! And as evidenced by this photo those rotten deeds may have been done because we had a very tired Princess Teenie on our hands!

She went under her bed to sulk and did not come out for a few HOURS! I tried to wake her up earlier, but had no such luck! I ended up forgetting she was asleep under there until I remembered to wake her up and it was 6:00! Needless to say she had a hard time going to bed that night!

Then this morning I told her to get ready for school! I meant for her to get her backpack and lunch and wait for me by the door! She disappeared for a few minutes and came back all glammed up! She did her own hair and slipped my sports bra over her shirt! I was running so late, but I could not resist taking some time to snap some pictures! I removed the sports bra, but let her go to school with her hair the way she likes it! She was so proud of herself and she took a lot of care and time to di it that way! The pre-school teachers thought it was pretty cute!
She has eclectic taste, but she is always the Princess Teenie whom I love! I get to spend a lot of time with her since she is not in school yet and we have a good time together! She loves to help, hang out, and most of all... she loves being a princess!


lindsey said...

what a cute little princess

Ashley said...

I wish Rae knew her Princess Teenie cousin better - they'd have so much fun together!

Jamie said...

Lettie is so cute and funny!